I delayed to update my blog again!!!
Ok....the reason is, I got tired easily these days and i had no idea why it was though.
where should I start
I got it. I should start from Friday.
As usual , I have no class on Friday. Most of the situation, student likes to have "three days off" in a week; however, i do want to have classes here and now.
My teachers here all treat me well and give me lots of help, I could not only learn English from them but also some MN culture.
Although I had no class on Fri., I still prepared lunch to Eric. I went to Mayo later this noon and stayed till Eric could be off the office then came back home together.
His boss left to California and will be back on Mon., besides this, it's a really hot day today, so Eric was less productivity.
We went home really early, so we decided to cook dinner together.
We cooked curry fried rice and had pickled cucumbers. (Eric loved these A LOT!!)
After dinner, we just stayed at home, watched TV , drank beers and chatted with my mom.
(OH! We booked the hotel for tomorrow night online at 11pm, and we were really lucky to get a room in Hotel Hilton at a pretty lower price! Eric is really good at finding some useful websites!!!)
As i said, it's a really "usual" Friday.
p.s. Eric got his perfume on Thursday : Burberry Summer. Now we got the same series perfume!!!!
On Saturday, it's really different this time because this is the first time i went to a ballpark to see baseball game, not mention it's the MLB.(Major League Baseball)
p.s. We had brunch in Rochester before we went to twin cities
here are the photos
America League and National League made up the Major League.(but the AL won more times than NL in the World Series Championship)
Minnesota twins belongs to America League Central.(there are also AL west and AL east)
The game we watched is Twins played against Cleveland Indians.
Um.. the thing impressed me the most is there were 33,391 people with me in the same place to watch the game at the same time.
American LOVE watch baseball game!!!!
It's hard to imagine that there are so many "foreigners" there with me.(i mean , white people) (Of course, I AM actually the "foreigner" for them XD)
They stood up to sing the national song before the game started and then ate things a lot during the game.
They were not mean to give applause to the players while they did well. I found they really supported the team of their city.
(just show you some photos below)
But MN twins still lost this game in the end.
I am not disappointed of this result at all because it's still full of fun for me to watch this game!
We are the only a few Eastern faces in the ballpark. XD So people always looked at us.
After the game was over, we went back to the hotel and dressed up to a bar.
As last experience, (we saw on the street) we knew we couldn't wear jeans or simply t-shirts there, or people would feel you didn't get the sense to wear right clothes in a bar.
Thus, Eric dressed up with a shirt +black pants and I dressed up with a dress+ high heels.
It's a really nice bar (Dakota Jazz club and Restaurant): the food tasted excellent ,the atmosphere was fascinating and the Ginger Commodore Quartet played awesome blue jazz music.
The piano player Lee Blaske also cooperated with some really famous pop singers (world famous, but sorry i was too attracted by the atmosphere, so I couldn't remember it clearly ) and the vocals Ginger Commodore sang really powerful vocal and was full of passion.
I found i somehow started love to have this kind of "activity" in USA. XP
We went back to the hotel at 10:30 pm because both of us were tired. (esp after 4 hours baseball game watching....)
(p.s. It's a really really expensive meal and enjoyable nigh to had, actually it was the most expensive meal "we" had in the USA. i guess it's mainly because we ordered too much drinks !!!)
Both of us agreed to wake up later Sunday morning and just had brunch before we went to Albertville.
(this time is to pick some CK shirts and ties for my dad ,and of course, a suit for Eric)
Eric asked the waitress in the Dakota Jazz Club where to have brunch and we followed her suggestion the next morning. It's the same Irish bar we had dinner last time after we went to Albertville. (i met Boddington (---> a name of an UK beer) in this bar!)
This kind of morning is really relaxing and lovely. =)
(the dishes is really good here!)
In the end, we went to Albertville and got my daddy's gift and Eric's suit
p.s. I just figured out how dry the weather here because i found my thumb got a crack on it >
- Aug 19 Wed 2009 04:31
I am in the U.S.A-day 33-day 35