I know I know...
I was just too lazy to write down something on my blog again.
13 days is a long time, but it really didn't have anything to tell about.
Life is really simple, esp. the school is on the summer vacation now.
As the week days, i stayed at home to look up some food recipes and went to have lunch with Eric.
In the afternoon, it depends on me, I could go to the public library or stay at home watch movies or do whatever I want to do.
Although sometimes I feel I should do more things, I don't have the chance and this truly makes me a little upset.
Last last Friday night , we invited Ann and Joe to have dinner for thanks for the necklace they sent to me and the invitation to their house two weeks ago.
Thus, I cooked 4-5 Taiwanese dishes.
Everything was perfect expect there were two flies in the house (Joe killed them finally before they went home) and the sink in the kitchen was clocked.
That night we dealt these things till 00:00 because there was flooded in the neighbor's kitchen (due to our use of some chemicals to make our sink work)
It's really messy that night; however, this didn't affect the plan we made to the state park the next day.
We went to the Whitewater State Park and Lake Pepin next day with Han-Fan, we met her by accident, and originally we would meet her that night for dinner.
(Actually, we went to the Mississippi River and Lake Pepin Area-it's in another state- Wisconsin)
There has been a long time for Eric and I not go exercising, so it's pretty tired for us to hike this time.
Later, we drove from Winona to Pepin and that area was full of extraordinary shops (artistic products).
It's not a large area and the time was still early, thus we decided to drove around the lake/ river and cross the bridge to back to Minnesota.
We had dinner as schedule in city Cafe' and all of us starved. It was a delicious meal!!!
This week, on the week days, there were nothing special, and everything was as usual.
But we found that its was not cheaper cooking on our own. Actually, it's maybe cheaper to eat outside in the noon and cook dinner on our own.
Thus, we decided that I will only cook twice a week (for lunch), and we will eat in the subway the other days.
We'll see if this could save more money for us.
Oh! This reminded me one thing, that is, we decided to exercise more from this week, as a result, we went to basic social dancing class on Thursday and went to the gym on Sunday morning.
We have decided to have dancing class once a week and exercise during every two days.
I hope this could make me look like the same as I arrived here. XD
(America food really made me fatter!!!!!!)
我在煎馬鈴薯當午餐 (這是那天我準備要煮的最後一道菜 煮完就要去撘公車了)
(這種東西再台灣就只有上的時候會提到 然後講一下)
(如果消防隊真的來了 但其實是沒什麼事的話 會被罰1000塊美金的.....>(有些人家裡的 響了會直接連線到消防隊 消防隊就會直接來了 還好Eric沒有住"太高級"的這種房子 不然這次我ˋ真的完蛋了)
就破壞了他的紀錄了 XD
Back to English
The special thing of this weekend is we went shopping because it's really cold here. (On Saturday: the lowest temperature is 5C .....)
Eric bought me a jacket and some pants + t-shirts
You must feel the size here might be too large for me, but i am not thin anymore, i could wear the smallest size here ---size XS (for clothes ) & size 0 (for pants)
There are two people asked me where I bought my jacket after we bought them that day, and this made us pretty proud of our taste of buying clothes. XD
(the clerk at that mall and the waitress of the restaurant- Chester)
On Sunday, we went to the gym for 2 hours and went back to shower. Later, we decided to pick some apples.
Thus, we drove there and ate 6 apples inside the apple orchard and picked some home.
There are three kinds of apples we could pick at this season, but we picked Honeycrisp , Zestar and Chunknut.
They are all delicious: Honeycrisp should be tasted better around the end of Sep. (it's the famous Minnesota grown apple) , Zestar is not as crisp as other kinds of apples;however, it was blended with special sour and sweet, I had never eaten this kind of apples before.
The most special one for me is the "Chucknut" , and Eric said we couldn't buy this type of apples in the supermarket, they were only in the apple orchard.
Chucknut taste really different, there is some kind of "nuts" smell in it.
See? They are three types of apples we picked.
This was my first time to pick apples in the apple orchard, it's really a special experience for me =)
We ate too many apples, and we didn't eat any meat for a whole day, besides, we decided to watch movies at home (Thanks for Kasia lending me so many movies), we went to buy a pizza and baked it at home.
(Eric needs to eat some meat everyday)
Um....it's really a special weekend for me.
Let's see what I will do in the rest couple of weekends. =)
p.s. we played the piano together in the lobby of Mayo Sat. afternoon and both of us needed more practice XD
(there were nobody today because the hospital closed on the weekend.)
- Aug 30 Sun 2009 00:43
I am in the U.S.A-day 38-day 50