After walking outside the classroom, 
i found that i was not as angry as i condemned you in the classroom.
going downstairs and walking  into the teachers' office, 
i didn't want to let your teacher find what happened during this classso 
so i hid myself in another office till break time

I knew most of you are nice kids, 
some of those naughty boys even didn't mean to behavior like that
But what you acted out is really aweful
you not only bother my teaching steps and schedules, but also aggravate me because of your bad attitude  
i just don't understand why you don't try to respect others
i have told you my principles in the begining, haven't i ?

What could i do to improve this situaiton?
How could i let you love this courses?
How could i let you find i do try hard to tolerate your bad manners?

I truely hope all of you could be the angels in my mind,
I believe all man are born with kind hearts, 
of course you are included

i am wondering how could i teach you in next week?
what attitide should i express to you?.........


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