We had a farewell party in Hess yesterday
Victor, Charlene prepared lots of food
Peter is the BBQ man
he barbecued yummy beef for us
we had chicken, chips, cake, drinks, soup, pork, lettuce
we all had a full stomach in the end 
(oh no! getting fatter >"<)

this is a special experience for me
i didn't have the experience to have a BBQ party with foreigners before
and this one was really like a party in the USA
listen to rock and roll music
eat lots of  food
chat, dance
full of fun

see? awesome food right?


this is also the first time i took photos with Nic, John and Tommy

venus and Tommy


venus and John


venus and Nic


venus, emily, eric


venus and charlene ( my directly supervisor..)

i should show more funny photos
but i need to get some from rita (she took 70 photos that night)
so..wait a minute ^^
coming soon~~~~~
i promise


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